Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

Pengertian Conjunction (Kata Penghubung) dalam Bahasa Inggris, Arti dan Fungsinya

Pengertian Conjunction (Kata Penghubung) dalam Bahasa Inggris, Arti dan Fungsinya

Cara belajar bahasa Inggris oke – Pengertian / definition of conjunction (kata penghubung) dalam bahasaInggris, arti dan fungsinya – Kata penghubung atau conjunction dalam setiap bahasa sangatlah penting keberadaannya, khususnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Nah bagi kalian yang belum memahami pengertian atau definition of conjunction, arti dan fungsinya, artikel ini sangat tepat untuk kalian baca. Dalam artikel ini kita akan belajar bersama tentang pengertian conjunction, arti dan fungsi penggunaannya beserta contoh kalimatnya.

Pengertian Conjunction (Kata Penghubung) dalam Bahasa Inggris, Arti dan Fungsinya
Pengertian conjunction (kata penghubung)

Conjunction atau kata penghubung yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan kata dengan kata, frase dengn frase, klausa dengan klausa, dan kalimat dengan kalimat. Dalam bahasa Inggris ada 2 macam conjunction; Coordinate conjunction dan Subordinate conjunction. Namun dalam artikel ini, kita hanya akan membahas tentang contoh conjunction berdasarkan fungsi dan artinya. Untuk pengertian coordinate dan subordinate conjunction bisa kita pelajari di artikel berikut: Pengertian coordinate dan subordinate conjunction.

Pengertian conjuction (kata penghubung), arti dan fungsinya

Perhatikan table berikut ini.

Expressing contras/concession
Although, though, even though, despite, in spite of, nevertheless, whereas etc.
Expressing cause an effect/reason
Since, because, as, now that, etc.
Expressing time
When, while, before, after, etc
Expressing result
Therefore, consequently, hence, so…that, such…that etc
Expressing additional information
Moreover, besides, in addition, also, furthermore etc.
Expressing conditional
If, unless, only if, providing that, otherwise etc.

1.        Conjunction of time (penunjuk waktu)
a)      When/ketika, while/sementara, as, once/sekali, whenever/kapan saja.
Contoh: When the sun rises, she’ll wake up
               Hold the phone while I close the door
               As she went home, she drank a glass of milk.
               Once I close my eyes, something falls over my head.
          Andi always obeys his brother whenever he orders him to clean  
          the house.
b)      Before/sebelum, after/setelah, as soon as/segera setelah
Contoh: My wife came home after I had fallen asleep.
              She should arrive at home early before her father comes.
              They get into the bus school as soon as it arrives
c)      Until, till/sampai
Contoh : She is staying in bed until her mother wakes her up.
               Everyone In Indonesia has to go to school till they are eighteen.
d)     Since/sejak
Contoh :   Since the first time I met her, she has grown old.
2.        Conjunction of reason/cause and effect (alasan)
Kata penghubung berikut ini berfungsi untuk menyatakan alas an atau penyebeb.
Because, since/karena, as, for, seeing that dan now that. Semuanya bisa bermakna karena (alasan).
Contoh : Adam runs quickly because a dog runs after him
               Since my father was sick, I stayed at home all day.
               As Santi is here now, I ask her to take care of my cat
               Seeing that it’s raining, we keep staying at home.
               Now that he has gone, she tries to forget him.
3.        Conjunction of result / purpose (hasil / tujuan)
So, so that, in order that, in order to, consequently, therefore, thus, hence (artinya, sehingga, oleh karena itu, oleh karenanya)
Contoh: We must study hard in order that we may succeed
              We must study hard in order to succeed.
               It was a foggy morning in Jakarta, therefore the flight was canceled.
               She climbs the tree higher so that she can see the beautiful view.
Bila dalam klausa utama terdapat adjective atau adverb yang ingin ditekankan, maka so harus diletakkan sebelum adjective atau adverb tersebut.
Contoh: He is so handsome that many girls love him so much (adjective)
              The thief runs so quickly that we cannot catch him (adverb)
Bila dalam klausa utamanya terdapat phrase (adjective+noun), maka kita harus menggunakan such (yang ditempatkan sebelum phrase tersebut.
Contoh: He is such a handsome boy that many girls love him. (phrase)
              She brings such a heavy box that it makes her tired. (phrase)
4.        Conjunction penunjuk pertentangan/ berlawanan (contrast/concession)
·         Though, although, even though, even if, despite, in spite of (walaupun, meskipun)
   Contoh: They attended the meeting although it was raining.
                 Even though it was raining, they attended the meeting
                 Although they are poor, they live happily.
                 In spite of heavy rain, they attended the meeting. (phrase)
                 Despite heavy rain, they attended the meeting. (phrase)
                 Even if it was raining, they attended the meeting.
    Note: Setelah despite dan in spite of menggunakan phrase bukan kalimat.
·         However (betapapun) dan whatever (apapun)
However biasanya diikuti oleh adjective atau adverb, sedangkan whatever diikuti oleh noun (pronoun, finite verb, atau clause)
Contoh:  However deep the sea is, he can dive it.
               However often she tried, she always failed to catch her cat.
               Whatever her father says, I will always love her.
·         But, however, nevertheless, yet, still (namun, meskipun demikian).
Contoh:  His watch is marvelous, yet the price is beyond my wallet.
               He has broken her hearth so many times but she still loves him
               She’d like to meet me however, she has no time.
               We have explained it thrice; nevertheless he cannot get the point.
5.        Conjunction penunjuk syarat (condition)
If, unless, otherwise, or, providing that, only if.
Contoh:    If she comes here, I’ll propose her to marry me.
You will fail unless you study hard. (kamu akan gagal kecuali kalau
belajar dengan keras.
Clean his car otherwise your father gets angry. (bersihkan mobilnya, kalau tidak ayahmu akan marah.
I will come to your party providing that you invite her. (aku akan datang ke pestamu asalkan kamu mengundangnya.
6.        Conjunction penunjuk informasi tambahan (additional information)
Moreover, besides, in addition, furthermore, also. (selain itu, lagipula, selanjutnya, juga)
Contoh:    Smoking can be cause of many illnesses. Moreover, It may harm non-smokers. (merokok dapat menyebabkan banyak penyakit. Selain itu, merokok membahayakan bagi yang tidak merokok.
                 Ikhwan is a very smart student; besides, he is good in social volunteer.
                 He graduated with the highest scores in his class, furthermore he got a scholarship to study abroad.
Nah, demikian penjelasan tentang Pengertian /definition of conjunction (kata penghubung) dalam bahasa Inggris, arti dan fungsinya. Silakan like fanpage facebook kami di English Area untuk mendapatkan artikel ter-update dari kami tentang materi bahasa Inggris yang dikemas secara sederhana dan mudah dipahami atau kunjungi langsung blog kami di carabelajarbahasainggrisoke.com. Semoga bermanfaat dan terimakasih.

Source: http://www.carabelajarbahasainggrisoke.com/2014/09/pengertian-conjunction-kata-penghubung-dalam-bahasa-inggris-arti-dan-fungsinya.html

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